the above title said it all.
sometimes u might wonder how fucked up it can be early in the morning. i tell u its disssssssssss fuckedup. given a scenario as below;
~ u phone rang and it shows ur manager calling u when u r off duty / holidays / having ur good sweet time / sleeping / taking a dump and u answer it, only to find out that more problem is en routing. u spent quite some times trying to "fix it remotely", which happens so when u r not in the fucking office, and someone trying to fucked up your day, and take note, my fucking off day and sleeping time. not that i hate my job or my managers, but to be precise, the kanenaubuchaucheebuy-retardedrmarderfacker-$!***porean who makes my day.
if u ask me well enuff, 8 out of 10 $!***porean is at least at kanenaubuchaucheebuy-retarderdmarderfacker-level. i hate the 8 in every single effing way. y in the blu hell that they are so proud of themselves being hated all over the world?
$!***porean, u r nothing more than me, the guy nex to u , the guy from Indon, or the lady waiting for her maggi goreng at New York, un-fucking-less u r walking with ur lips, eat with ur ears, talk with ur armpit, then shut d fuck up and make urself more "accepted" to the rest of the world.
peace & fuck u $!***porean. hahaha.
they r so fuck up....
ur kawan kawan lo diu
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